Headspace HS-10 GC Sampler
Ideal for routine analysis such as residual solvents in pharmaceutical samples and trace VOCs in wastewater.
The HS-10 is a static headspace autosampler equipped with advanced features such as a mixing function and the ability to heat-ahead sample vials waiting for analysis.
Thanks to the high-accuracy flow rate control of Shimadzu’s electronic flow controllers (AFC and APC) and the thermostatic vial chamber that delivers uniform temperature distribution, the instruments yields consistent area reproducibility, leaving no variance in gas-liquid equilibrium with regard to intake position.
Overlap Analysis
During GC analysis, the HS-10 will take the next vial and move it to the vial heater from where it can incubate for a specified period of time before it is injected when the previous analysis cycle ends.
Compatible with the LabSolutions Comprehensive Workstation
LabSolutions LC/GC software integrates with LCsolution and GCsolution and can accommodate a variety of regulations, including directives related to FDA 21 CFR Part 11, via its user control and audit trail functions