Shimadzu 8060 Unmatched Sensitivity
The world’s first mass spectrometry to deliver a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with the highest sensitivity, the LCMS-8060 redefines LC-MS/MS detection limits and quantitative capabilities. With its all new ion focusing technology, the 8060 creates a meaningful impact on trace quantitative detection by opening new opportunities for scientists to deliver solutions that truly make a difference.
Download SpecificationsKey Features
Unmatched Speed & Sensitivity
Simultaneous Collection of Multiple MRM Events With Full Scan Product Ion Spectra at Different Collision Energies
- UF-Qarray: The innovative design of the Qarray allows for enhancement of ion signal while simultaneously reducing noise. This yields ultra-low detection limits, allowing for trace quantitation.
- LCMS-8060
Mass Range
- m/z 2 to 2,000
- ESI positive:
1 pg reserpine, S/N > 750,000:1 (RMS) - ESI negative:
1 pg chloramphenicol, S/N > 750,000:1 (RMS)
- R < 0.7 u FWHM
- < 0.003 %
Minimum Pause Time
- 1 msec
Minimum Dwell Time
- 0.8 msec
Scan Speed
- Max 30,000 u/sec (in all modes of scanning)
(0.1 u step: 300,000 data points/sec)
Block heater Maximum Temperature
- ESI/DUIS: 500 °C
- APCI: 300 °C
Interface Maximum Settable Temperature
- ESI/DUIS: 400 °C
- APCI: 500 °
Mass Stability
- 0.1 u / 24 hr
Mass Accuracy
- ±0.15 u or less (m/z 1,000
Polarity Switching Time
- 5 msec
- ESI (Standard)
- APCI (Optional), DUIS (Optional)
Applicable LC Flow Rate
- ESI 1 μL/min to 2 mL/min
MRM Transition Speed
- Max 555 channels/sec
DL Maximum Temperature
- 300 °C
Analysis Mode
- 1 Scan/SIM
- Q3 Scan/SIM
MRM - Precursor ion scan
- Product ion scan
- Neutral loss scan
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