LCMS-8045 Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS)
The triple quadrupole LCMS-8045 is the workhorse instrument in the Shimadzu LC-MS/MS lineup, designed for around-the-clock sample analyses. The heated ESI probe, high-temperature heating block, heated desolvation line, drying gas, and focusing optics all act to maximize sensitivity while minimizing contamination, resulting in continuous operation in the laboratory with reliable data collection, even for complex matrices like biological fluids or foods.
Download Brochure Download SpecificationsKey Features
High Sensitivity and Ultra-High-Speed Detection
Superior Robustness
- Assures that high sensitivity is maintained over the long term
LabSolutions Software
- Designed for specific workflows
- LCMS-8045
Mass Range
- m/z 2 to 2,000
- ESI positive:
1 pg reserpine, S/N > 100,000:1 (RMS) - ESI negative:
1 pg chloramphenicol, S/N > 100,000:1 (RMS)
- R < 0.7 u FWHM
- < 0.003 %
Minimum Pause Time
- 1 msec
Minimum Dwell Time
- 0.8 msec
Scan Speed
- Max 30,000 u/sec (in all modes of scanning)
(0.1 u step: 300,000 data points/sec)
Block heater Maximum Temperature
- ESI/DUIS: 500° C
- APCI: 300° C
Interface Maximum Settable Temperature
- ESI/DUIS: 400° C
- APCI: 500° C
Mass Stability
- 0.05 u/12 hr
Polarity Switching Time
- 5 msec
- ESI (Standard)
- APCI (Optional)
- DUIS (Optional)
Applicable LC Flow Rate
- ESI 1 μL/min to 2 mL/min
MRM Transition Speed
- Max 555 channels/sec
DL Maximum Temperature
- 300° C
Analysis Mode
- 1 Scan/SIM
- Q3 Scan/SIM
MRM - Precursor ion scan
- Product ion scan
- Neutral loss scan
Application Versatile
Easy Operation/Maintenance
- Quickly and easily replace the DL without breaking vacuum, providing greater uptime and usability
Superior Robustness
- No cable or tubes and no tools are needed to detach the needles fitted in APCI and DUIS units
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